I just love each day, from the very morning when I wake up to the moment i go to bed.
Today I opened my eyes and saw Mark watching his little brother and asking me, mom, when will Dominik wake up? When we were all awake, we stayed a bit in bed and played, Mark took the sleeping bag off his brother, brought him toys, played with him.....seeing those two brothers love eachother so much warms my heart in ways hard to imagine....we're really happy all together, no fights, no friction, no bad moods in the morning.
I am in love.... :) with my two wonderful kids and with life itself, the world, and with the Universe for sending me really really great fantastic energy into my life and making me feel really really good.
Here are my kids. I'm proud of many things I've done in my life, but here are my two masterpieces.
Mark :)
My mom called me last night, she sounded so worried about me... well...she's been through a divorce (twice!) and last time it was really really bad for her, depressed for months so she's worrried how I'm doing.
I am not depressed at all....just tired sometimes like yesterday, when I ran home from the office, grocery shopping, going to the doctors with my kids, then putting them to sleep for 2 hours, and then cleaning the house.....
But I am happy. Very very happy. More happy than I could have imagined I would be without him in my life.
Of course, I worry sometimes a bit. I drastically changed my lifestyle. But I know I will manage.
And I actually look forward to taking care of me on my own now.
I am free.....nothing more worth than that.